A Letter from the Founder
Why Charis Bible College?
Every successful minister goes through school. It's just a matter of whether it's in a formal educational setting with experienced instructors ready to help or an informal one through the “school of hard knocks," alone. I took the latter route, and I must say, if you survive, it makes a great testimony. However, I don't recommend it!
The Lord led me to start Charis Bible College for the purpose of training people for the work of the ministry. He wanted me to take a unique approach; it had to be a combination of the rich teaching of God's Word and practical, hands-on ministry experience.
Whatever God is leading you to do, preparation is never a waste of time. Statistics show that 80% of ministers drop out of the ministry, and 80% of those who stay are on the verge of burnout. I believe the lack of preparation–spiritually, academically, and practically–are at the root of these statistics.
If you choose to attend, I guarantee you it will change your life and the lives of those around you forever.