God has more for you
Are you ready for a change in your life? Do you desire to attend Bible college but because of the distance it seems impossible?
Experience Charis at a location near you. You will encounter life-changing Biblical truths that will produce a renewed mind and establish a rich spiritual foundation. At each location you will find a community of like-minded believers that will walk alongside you on your journey to fulfill your destiny.
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Contact one of our India Directors, or visit their location website for more information.
India Locations

Before joining the course I had certain misconceptions about the nature of God. I was fearful of God and did things out of self performance in order to please God but I ended up being exhausted, confused and a defeated life. The teachings at Charis gave me revelations about the love of God, the nature of God, the grace of God, it revolutionised my thinking and outlook towards life. My relationship with God has got stronger. I no longer live a sin conscious life but a God conscious life, a Joyful and a victorious life.
- Smita Shirodkar, Charis Hyderabad

The lesson on righteousness through grace in DE had a profound impact on my understanding. In my 32 years of ministry, I had never heard of this concept before, so it was an eye-opener for me. The revelation in 2 Corinthians 5:21 states "For our sake he made him be sin who knew no sin so that in him we might become the righteousness of God." Jesus became sin not by committing any sinful actions, and the same applies to us becoming righteous through Him, without any righteous actions of our own.
- Benjamin Solomon, Charis Chennai

I was searching for a deep and vibrant relationship with God. I wanted to please God with my own strength, but I kept failing. That's when I discovered the teachings at Charis Bible College. Through their teachings, I came to understand the finished work of Jesus Christ in my life. I learned that He became sin for me, even though He knew no sin so that I might become the righteousness of God in Him. This realization set me free. Now, I don't relate to God based on my own goodness, but on His righteousness in me. This has opened the way for me to receive all things that pertain to life and godliness through His grace. I've also received healing on many occasions because I no longer find it difficult to receive from God. I'm truly grateful to God for Charis Bible College.
- John Martin, Charis Mumbai

After receiving a fibromyalgia diagnosis, I spent a lot of time in bed. I am grateful to God for Charis Bible College since it was there that I discovered how constant and unconditional God's love is for me. I am a new creation in Christ and made in His likeness. I learned to exercise the authority given by God. Now I am healed and ministering God's love to others.
- Jyoti Swarankar, Charis Delhi
And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death." Revelation 12:11 KJV