Before joining the course I had certain misconceptions about the nature of God. I was fearful of God and did things out of self performance in order to please God but I ended up being exhausted, confused and a defeated life. The teachings at Charis gave me revelations about the love of God, the nature of God, the grace of God, it revolutionised my thinking and outlook towards life. My relationship with God has got stronger. I no longer live a sin conscious life but a God conscious life, a Joyful and a victorious life.
- Smita Shirodkar, Distance Education /2023, Charis Hyderabad

We thank God almighty for Andrew and his team of faculty for bringing such powerful revelations in the most simple way to not only understand but also to implement. We are transformed from a religious or legalistic believer to a spirit led believer, from a judgemental christian to caring and loving christian, from fear filled followers to bold and confident disciples.
- Vijay Prakash Alva, Distance Education /2023, Charis Hyderabad
And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death." Revelation 12:11 KJV